Our Team

The HAMMOUD CONSULTANCY team is a diversified combination of senior experts in their field, and young talented potentials who look at problems with a fresh set of eyes. This results in the perfect balance between experience and out of the box thinking. Our team uses its skills and techniques to develop the most important part of your business, the people and process. Get to know our team.

Distinguished visionary offering a 20+ year career driving significant double-digit and profitable growth for multi-million-dollar firms in GCC, Jordan and Egypt even in the face of challenging and volatile economies. Guide teams of up to 2000 and annual revenues of more than U.S. $200 million, recognized as an inspirational team-builder who motivates staff to attain peak performance. Progressive advancement directly linked to attainment of key business goals, expert at articulating and implementing change while gaining consensus from parties with different agendas. Analytical with sharp problem-solving capabilities and negotiations savvy.

Hammoud Consultancy